Pet Abilities

Historical Page - The information on this page has been outdated since Battle for Azeroth. For the latest family information, see the updated Pet Family Abilities page.

FamilySpecial AbilityExotic AbilityBonus AbilityBasic Ability
Tendon RipClaw
BasilisksStone ScalesBite
BeetlesHarden CarapaceBite
Birds of PreyTrickClaw
Blood BeastsBite
Carrion BirdsBloody ScreechBite
Frost BreathFroststorm BreathBite
Thick HideSmack
Core Hounds
Ancient HysteriaMolten HideBite
CrabsHarden ShellClaw
CrocolisksAnkle CrackBite
Monstrous BiteFeastBite
DirehornsReflective Armor PlatingBite
FoxesAgile ReflexesPlayBite
Hoppers / ToadsSmack
Lesser DragonkinClaw
MonkeysPrimal AgilitySmack
MothsDust of LifeSmack
RaysNether WindsBite
RiverbeastsGruesome BiteBite
ScorpidsDeadly StingClaw
Shale Beasts
Solid ShellBite
SpidersWeb SprayBite
Spirit Beasts
Spirit MendSpirit WalkClaw
Stone Hounds
Eternal GuardianStone ArmorBite
TurtlesShell ShieldBite
Warp StalkersWarp TimeBite
Water Striders
Surface TrotBite
WaterfowlGift of Chi-JiTrickSmack
Wind SerpentsBite
Burrow AttackBite

Ability Details

Agile Reflexes [Special Ability]

Instant 2 min cooldown
The fox heightens its senses, increasing dodge chance by 30% for 10 sec.

Ancient Hysteria [Exotic Ability]

Instant 6 min cooldown
Increases haste by 30% for all party and raid members within 100 yards. Lasts 40 sec. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for 10 min.

Ankle Crack [Special Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Snap at the target's feet, reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.

Bloody Screech [Special Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 6 sec cooldown
The Carrion Bird screeches, causing Mortal Wounds on the target.

Burrow Attack [Exotic Ability]

10 + 5 / sec Focus
Channeled 14 sec cooldown
The Worm burrows into the earth and shakes the ground above, dealing [(0 + ((Ranged attack power * 0.40) * 0.288)) * 8] Nature damage over 8 sec.

Deadly Sting [Special Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 6 sec cooldown
The scorpion lashes out with its tail, stinging the target and causing the Mortal Wounds effect.

Dust of Life [Exotic Ability]

20 yd range
Instant 10 min cooldown
Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana.

Eternal Guardian [Exotic Ability]

20 yd range
Instant 10 min cooldown
Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana.

Feast [Special Ability]

5 yd range
Instant 1 min cooldown
The devilsaur feasts on a nearby Humanoid or Beast corpse within 5 yards, healing it for 20% of its maximum health and restoring 20 focus over 6 sec.

Frost Breath [Special Ability]

30 yd range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Your pet simultaneously breathes frost and lightning at an enemy target, slowing the target for 5 sec.

Froststorm Breath [Exotic Ability]

10 + 5 / sec Focus 35 yd range
The Chimera channels a frozen breath attack, causing [(0 + (Ranged attack power) * 0.144)] Froststorm damage every 2 sec for 8 sec to all enemies within 12 yards.

Gift of Chi-Ji [Special Ability]

20 yd range
Instant 10 min cooldown
Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana.

Gruesome Bite [Special Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 6 sec cooldown
The Riverbeast bites gruesomely at its target, causing Mortal Wounds on the target.

Harden Carapace [Special Ability]

Instant 1 min cooldown
Hardens up, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec.

Harden Shell [Special Ability]

Instant 1 min cooldown
The crab's shell hardens, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec.

Molten Hide [Special Ability]

30 yd range
When the core hound takes melee attacks, it infuses its hide with molten lava, causing 0 to 2 Fire damage to all further melee attackers for 10 sec. Molten Hide can only activate every 60 sec.

Monstrous Bite [Exotic Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 8 sec cooldown
Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received for 10 sec.

Nether Winds [Special Ability]

100 yd range
Instant 6 min cooldown
Increases haste by 30% for all party and raid members within 100 yards. Lasts 40 sec. Allies receiving this effect will become Fatigued and be unable to benefit from Netherwinds or similar abilities again for 10 min.

Play [Bonus Ability]

Puts your Fox into a playful state. [Note: Makes the fox dance.]

Primal Agility [Special Ability]

Instant 2 min cooldown
The monkey heightens its senses, increasing dodge chance by 30%.

Prowl [Bonus Ability]

Instant 10 sec cooldown
Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 50%. The first attack from stealth receives a 20% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.

Reflective Armor Plating [Special Ability]

Channeled 30 sec cooldown
Deflects all spells cast in front of the Direhorn for 6 sec.

Rest [Bonus Ability]

You command your pet Bear to take a rest.

Rest [Bonus Ability]

You command your pet Porcupine to take a rest.

Shell Shield [Special Ability]

Instant 1 min cooldown
The turtle partially withdraws into its shell, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec.

Solid Shell [Special Ability]

Instant 1 min cooldown
The shale spider hardens its rocky armor, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec.

Spirit Mend [Exotic Ability]

5 Focus 25 yd range
Instant 30 sec cooldown
The Spirit Beast heals the current friendly target for [0 + ((Ranged attack power * 0.35) * 0.75)] plus an additional [0 + ((Ranged attack power * 0.35) * 0.5)] over 10 sec.

Spirit Walk [Bonus Ability]

Instant 10 sec cooldown
Puts your pet in stealth mode, but slows its movement speed by 50%. The first attack from stealth receives a 20% bonus to damage. Lasts until cancelled.

Stone Armor [Special Ability]

100 yd range
Instant 120 sec cooldown
When falling below 40% health, the Quilen's skin will change to stone, causing it to take 30% less damage and regenerate 3% of its maximum health every 1 sec for 8 sec. This effect can only occur once every 120 sec.

Stone Scales [Special Ability]

40 yd range
Instant 1 min cooldown
The basilisk scales turn into solid stone, reducing damage taken by 50% for 12 sec.

Surface Trot [Exotic Ability]

Allows the Hunter and the Water Strider to walk across water. Any damage will cancel the effect.

Tendon Rip [Special Ability]

Melee Range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Claw at the target's feet, reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.

Thick Hide [Special Ability]

100 yd range
When falling below 40% health, the Clefthoof's skin will thicken, granting 50% reduced incoming damage for 12 sec. This effect can only occur once every 120 sec.

Trick [Bonus Ability]

You command your Bird of Prey to do a trick. Larger birds may not be interested.

Trick [Bonus Ability]

You command your Crane to do a trick.

Updraft [Special Ability]

40 yd range
Your pet beats its powerful wings, slowing the fall speed of both itself and the hunter for 30 sec.

Warp Time [Special Ability]

25 yd range
Instant 15 sec cooldown
Slows time around the enemy, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.

Web Spray [Special Ability]

25 yd range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Shoot webs at the target, slowing movement by 50% for 6 sec.