Green Axebeak

There are 6 tameable creatures with this look.

Green Axebeak
Birds of PreyLevelLocation
Can Be Tamed
10-40Tanaan Jungle (Intro Phase)
Can Be Tamed
Various areas of the zone.
Can Be Tamed
15-40Deeproot, Gorgrond
Can Be Tamed
40Rainfern Basin, Tanaan Jungle
Can Be Tamed
40Tanaan Jungle
Upcoming Pet
80Kaja'Coast, Zuldazar
Birds of PreyLevelLocation
Cannot Be Tamed
15-40Tailthrasher Basin, Gorgrond
Tied to ropes. Can be freed, but not attacked or tamed.
Cannot Be Tamed
35-40The Everbloom (Dungeon)
Cannot be targeted.
Cannot Be Tamed
40Everbloom Wilds, Gorgrond
Cannot be targeted.
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Restless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Life-Binder Conservatory, Obsidian Bulwark, The Waking Shores
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Ruby Life Pools, The Waking Shores
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Companion Pets
