Green Threadling w/ Short Mandibles

There are 2 tameable creatures with this look.

Green Threadling w/ Short Mandibles
Can Be Tamed
70-80Dalaran (Khaz Algar intro quest phase)
Makes sounds when clicked.
Only appears during the Breach intro quest for The War Within, when Dalaran first arrives at the Isle of Dorn and is under siege.
Can Be Tamed
The Burrows, Azj-Kahet
Makes sounds when clicked.
Spawns as part of the "Escape the Burrows!" phase of the "Kaheti Hospitality" zone campaign quest. These NPCs appear in the first wave and will be mowed down very quickly by Alleria and Anduin, so your best strategy is to stand well away from your companions and draw one of these spiders off as soon as it appears. You can abandon and restart the quest as many times as you like until you successfully tame the colours you want. This is a once-only campaign instance, though it's uncertain if party sync will allow you to repeat it.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Companion Pets
