Light Grey Mammoth

There are 6 tameable creatures with this look.

Light Grey Mammoth
Can Be Tamed
30The Dragon Wastes, Dragonblight; Hour of Twilight (Dungeon)
These mammoths can be found wandering the area, often in family groups.
Can Be Tamed
30The Dragon Wastes, Dragonblight; Hour of Twilight (Dungeon)
These mammoths can be found wandering the area, usually in family groups.
Can Be Tamed
30Snowblind Peaks, The Storm Peaks
In a region south-west of K3.
Can Be Tamed
30Plain Echoes, The Storm Peaks
Found north of Camp Tunka'lo.
Can Be Tamed
30Valley of Ancient Winters, The Storm Peaks
Found east of Brunnhildar Village.
Can Be Tamed
The Dragon Wastes, Dragonblight
Retains its original name after taming.
Tukemuth wanders most of the area, in a large circuit.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts
