Black Storm Wolf

There is one tameable creature with this look.

Black Storm Wolf
Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.

This look is tameable in the Spirit Beast family but not the Wolf family.

Spirit BeastsLevelLocation
Can Be Tamed
50Temple of Storms, The Storm Peaks
Retains its original name after taming.
'Eaglewatch' : One of the six essences of Hati that may be summoned and tamed at the Shrine of Storms after restoring Hati to life during the Spark of Genius quest chain - see our Saving Hati Guide for details. There's also a vendor, Clockwerk, in the Temple of Storms who sells toys and consumables to use with Hati.
Cannot Be Tamed
70-80Isle of Dorn
Found sporadically in the plains east of Dornogal city.
Cannot Be Tamed
70-80Ironwold, Isle of Dorn
Cannot Be Tamed
Cinderwold, Isle of Dorn
Also found on the shores north of the forest.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.