Orange Magma Snail

There are 9 tameable creatures with this look.

Orange Magma Snail
Exotic family: Beast Masters only - level 10+.Exotic Family
Can only be used by Beast Mastery hunters that have reached level 10.
Can Be Tamed
60-70Wild Coast, The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Found in several volcanic locations: Burning Ascent, Conservatory Outpost, Scalecracker Keep, and the coast south of Dragonbane Keep.
Can Be Tamed
60-70Life-Binder Conservatory, The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
70Dragonbane Keep, The Waking Shores
Found along a lava course to the south of the keep, in the far west of the area.
Can Be Tamed
70Dragonbane Keep, The Waking Shores
Upcoming Pet
The Hallowfall Gate, The Ringing Deeps
Found in the deepest cavern in the mines north of the gateway to Hallowfall.
Upcoming Pet
70-80Candleslag Quarry & The Earthenworks, The Ringing Deeps
Upcoming Pet
70-80The Hallowfall Gate, The Ringing Deeps
Found inside the mines north of the gateway to Hallowfall.
Upcoming Pet
The Hallowfall Gate & Candleslag Quarry, The Ringing Deeps
Initially, this magma snail cannot be interacted with or tamed due to it being ridden by a kobold: either a Kobold Trapper (Candleslag Quarry) or a Brightrock Shellvalier (inside the Hallowfall Gate mines). Once the kobold is dead the snail becomes a standalone NPC and can be tamed.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts
