Dark Vorquin

There are 5 tameable creatures with this look.

Dark Vorquin
Can Be Tamed
60-70Genesis Falls, The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
60-70Apex Canopy, The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Petitioner's Concourse, Thaldraszus
The Petitioner's Concourse is a small area above and to the north of the Cascades, and below and to the south-west of Valdrakken.
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Found in a number of areas throughout the zone, including around Life-Binder Conservatory, Dragonheart Outpost, Overflowing Rapids, Apex Canopy, the south-east coast, and a number of unnamed areas adjacent to the central river loop.
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Azure Span
Found southwest of Three-Falls Lookout.
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Pleasant Hill, Thaldraszus
Cannot Be Tamed
60-70Brackenhide Waterhole, The Azure Span
Cannot Be Tamed
Passage of Time, Thaldraszus
There's a chance this beast will appear when you use an Elusive Creature Bait around the Passage of Time area, roughly south of Tyrhold. Elusive Rares can only be summoned if you spend 40 points in the Mastery subspecialization of Bait Crafter (Dragon Isles Skinning - see your Skinning journal in your professions panel), and they can normally be killed and skinned just once a day. To create Elusive Creature Bait you must have levelled Dragon Isles Skinning to the point where you can select the Bait Crafter specialization (see your skinning journal inside your professions panel) and spend at least 10 points of Knowledge in it.
Cannot Be Tamed
Dragon Isles
There's a chance this beast will appear when you use an Elusive Creature Bait in The Waking Shores, Thaldraszus, Emerald Dream, The Azure Span, and The Forbidden Reach - especially if there are vorquins nearby. To create Elusive Creature Bait you must have levelled Dragon Isles Skinning to the point where you can select the Bait Crafter specialization (see your skinning journal inside your professions panel) and spend at least 10 points of Knowledge in it.
Cannot Be Tamed
Steelcliff Passage, Thaldraszus
Runs around the area. Requires being mounted and using different attacks to slow and stun it.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts

Matching Companion Pets
