Green & Purple Crab

There are 13 tameable creatures with this look.

Green & Purple Crab


Can Be Tamed
Makes sounds when clicked.
Found throughout Nazjatar
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Found west of the Crumbling Cliffs, on the north-western coast.
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Azure Span
Makes sounds when clicked.
Found on one of the islands off the south-east coast.
Can Be Tamed
70The Emerald Dream
In the waterway north of Amirdrassil.
Can Be Tamed
70Restless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
Spawns whenever Gorjo the Crab Shackler is up.
Can Be Tamed
70-80The Three Shields, Isle of Dorn
Can Be Tamed
70-80Isle of Dorn
Found on several of isle's beaches, including the northern side of the isle's south-west reach, the northernmost of The Three Shields islands, and Wanderer's Landing on the southern coast.
Can Be Tamed
70-80Isle of Dorn
Found throughout the zone.
Can Be Tamed
70-80Isle of Dorn
Found along the southern coast in the isle's south-west reach.
Can Be Tamed
70-80The Three Shields, Isle of Dorn
Found along the southern coast in the isle's south-west reach.
Can Be Tamed
70-80The Three Shields, Isle of Dorn
Inhabits the largest of the three small, rocky islands off the north-east coast of Dorn.
Can Be Tamed
80Stormtide Dregs, Flotsam Shoal, Siren Isle
Cannot Be Tamed
<Soggymaw Crabtrapper's Pet>
60-70Restless Wetlands, The Waking Shores
Cannot Be Tamed
<Cliffdrip Snapstrider's Pet>
60-70Cliffdrip Camp, The Waking Shores; The Azure Span
This crab serves as the pet of gorloc hunters in two separate areas: Cliffdrip Camp in the middle of The Waking Shores, and Gorloc Shore in the far west of The Azure Span.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.