Black Phalynx

There are 13 tameable creatures with this look.

Black Phalynx
Requires Mechanical Taming.Required Skill: Mechanical Taming
Gnome, Goblin and Mechagnome hunters automatically know how to tame Mechanicals. Hunters of other races must acquire the skill from a Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix, crafted by Engineers who have at least 1 skill point in Legion Engineering.
Can Be Tamed
Vault of the Archon, Bastion
Spawns and attacks during the quest The Vault of the Archon.
Can Be Tamed
50-60The Walk of Recollection, Bastion
Can Be Tamed
55-60Face of Oblivion, The Maw
Can Be Tamed
60Coldheart Interstitia, Torghast, Tower of the Damned (Dungeon)
Can Be Tamed
60Court of Elation & Exaltation Rise, Bastion
Can Be Tamed
60The Eternal Forge, Bastion
Can Be Tamed
Citadel of Doubt, Bastion
Found during the Kyrian-only quest, "The Greater Good".
Can Be Tamed
Citadel of Doubt, Bastion
Found during the Kyrian-only quest, "The Greater Good".
Can Be Tamed
60Citadel of Doubt, Bastion
Found during the Kyrian-only quest, "The Greater Good".
Can Be Tamed
60Temple of Humility, Bastion
Can Be Tamed
Found just southeast of Hero's Rest attacking Heraclor. Only spawns during the World Quest, "March of the Eternal Protector".
Can Be Tamed
60Vestibule of Eternity, Bastion
Spawns during the World Quest, "Assault on the Vestibule".
Can Be Tamed
60Citadel of Loyalty, Bastion
Cannot Be Tamed
Greatwing Roost, Bastion
This is the transformed, tameable form of the Malfunctioning Clawguard. In order to activate this phalynx, find the silver Malfunctioning Clawguard in a cave under Greatwing Roost. You will also need to obtain a Discarded Centurion Core by searching the area. The cores have been reported in the vicinity of Forgefire Outpost on Wowhead. Once you've activated the Clawguard it will morph into this black version.
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.

Matching Mounts

Matching Companion Pets
