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Diseased Black Wolf
Creature | Level | Location | |
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Diseased Young Wolf | 1 | Elwynn Forest |  |
| Before Wrath of the Lich King, this wolf was known as a Young Wolf, and had a non-diseased appearance. |
Diseased Timber Wolf | 2 | Elwynn Forest |  |
| Before Wrath of the Lich King, this wolf was known as a Timber Wolf and had a non-diseased appearance. |
Felpaw Wolf | 47-48 | Felwood |  |
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Felpaw Scavenger | 49-50 | Felwood |  |
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Felpaw Ravager | 51-52 | Felwood |  |
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Diseased Wolf | 53-54 | Western Plaguelands |  |
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