Serenity Dust

The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it over 15 sec.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used ByMoths
Cast TimeInstant
Cooldown1 min cooldown
Wowhead LinkSerenity Dust

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 40 to 50 over 15 sec.
216The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 150 to 200 over 15 sec.
332The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 210 to 280 over 15 sec.
448The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 340 to 460 over 15 sec.
564The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 555 to 745 over 15 sec.
680The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that increases its attack power by 10% and heals it for 825 to 1115 over 15 sec.