Nether Shock

Instantly lashes an enemy for Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used ByNether Rays
Cast TimeInstant
Range20 yd range
Cooldown40 sec cooldown
Wowhead LinkNether Shock

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Instantly lashes an enemy for 4 to 6 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
216Instantly lashes an enemy for 9 to 11 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
332Instantly lashes an enemy for 12 to 16 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
448Instantly lashes an enemy for 20 to 26 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
564Instantly lashes an enemy for 30 to 40 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.
680Instantly lashes an enemy for 64 to 86 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec.