Monstrous Bite

Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.

Ability Details

Ability TypeFamily special ability
Used ByDevilsaurs
Cast TimeInstant
RangeMelee Range
Cost20 Focus
Cooldown10 sec cooldown
Wowhead LinkMonstrous Bite

Ability Ranks

RankPet LevelDescription
11Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 7 to 9 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.
216Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 12 to 16 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.
332Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 17 to 23 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.
448Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 28 to 36 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.
564Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 43 to 57 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.
680Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, causing 91 to 123 damage, and boosts its own damage by 3% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks 3 times.