Pink Hermit Crab w/ Sandy Shell

There are 8 tameable creatures with this look.

Pink Hermit Crab w/ Sandy Shell
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Makes sounds when clicked.
Found in the sea off the north shore from Lifebinder Conservatory and beyond the mountains north of Obsidian Citadel.
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Waking Shores
Can Be Tamed
60-70The Azure Span
Makes sounds when clicked.
Found on one of the islands off the south-east coast.
Can Be Tamed
65-70Longclaw Island, The Azure Span
Makes sounds when clicked.
Can Be Tamed
70Darksand Hollow, The Forbidden Reach
Can Be Tamed
70Aerie Chasm, The Forbidden Reach
Can Be Tamed
70Sharpscale Coast, Warder's Solace, The Forbidden Reach
Can Be Tamed
70Lucid Reef, The Emerald Dream
Level scaling: Most NPCs will scale with the Hunter's level, within the constraints of their level range. Hunters can tame regular NPCs up to 2 levels higher than them, but can only tame elite NPCs of the hunter's level or below.